Esa Snsa Challenge

Tag your project with "esa-snsa-challenge" to participate in this challenge

This hack is sponsored by ESA and SNSA

The winning hack for this challenge was TouchySpaceyDataThingy

The change of seasons and rhythm of human society takes many shapes, both over time and space. The seasons and the weather oscillating and vibrating with periods from hours to days to years. Cities growing and fields rotating through ploughing, seeding and harvest, not to mention different crops. Many of these changes are nowadays captured by satellites that fly overhead, some of which belong to the European Space Agency and its Copernicus Project. Using the newly-specified MTF API, one can access time series of data spanning several years over large parts of the Earth. We ask you to explore the musical use of this resource, both for aesthetic value, but also for what it means to use actual data from our Earth. You may of course also use musical tools to explore and explain the data, perhaps illustrating or uncovering relationships that are hard to appreciate otherwise.

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